Another week has gone by. I don't know about you kiddos, but it seems that this summer has gone by incredibly fast. I know for you it seems that summer is over and fall is here, but for me, as long as there is hot weather, it is summer. (Not to mention I haven't "started school," so it's a LONG summer for me!) And although I love summer, I am ready for this Merced heat to come to a close. I'm beyond ready for some cool weather, boots, and FOOTBALL. As I mentioned before, I'm a 49ers fan AND a big UCLA fan. I'm hoping to become a big ECHS football fan too! But, I can't lie... I will be heading to some Le Grand High School football games to see my goddaughter cheer. (And because that is where I went to high school! Some of you may have heard of Le Grand... I know ECHS has played them before for volleyball, football, and other sports during preseason/scrimmages.)
Another week down, another week closer to meeting you all. I read every single one of your letters where you introduced yourselves to me and Mr. Lang. I was incredibly entertained! Some of you were hilarious (with your smart-alecky writing)... some of you shared some very personal information that touched my heart (about your struggles or your family dynamics)... and some of you made me think Me too! (Like when I read that some of you are Niners fans, Giants fans, Blink-182 listeners, Mexican food eaters.) Reading your letters made me that much more excited to meet you. Nice job on your letters, kiddos. We have some work to do in terms of proper letter writing and grammar, but I know by the end of the school year, every one of you will have it down! And another week for my baby girl. I know reading about babies might bore you guys. So this is where you can stop reading, or at least scroll down to the photos. Mikaela is 5 weeks old today! She's growing bigger by the day. She stays alert for longer periods of time now, and she has even started smiling (see photo below!). This little Gaucho is certainly growing. Anddddd now... time for this mom to eat her Costco churro and take a nap while Mikaela still slumbers. See you soon, kiddos! Be good. Work hard. Remember, good habits start NOW. Start the school year off right! Sincerely, Mrs. Valenzuela
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